Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Back! (For Now) & Woozworld's 10th Anniversary & the New Navigator

Why, hello there!

Yeah you probably wouldn't think i'd come back to this blog. However, i've been playing Woozworld more often since August, plus I bought VIP membership a couple of weeks ago, so why not?

It's been more than 2-and-a-half years since I last posted. Of course, there have been many eventz in Woozworld & my real life since that time. I did think about making a catch up post, but i've decided that'll i'll just jump to what's going on now.

I'm listing this in order of importance, rather than chronologically.

Woozworld's 10th Anniversary!

Yes, Woozworld 2.0 was created in 2009 and during this month of September, we've been celebrating Woozworld's 10th birthday! Yep, a whole decade old! Woozworld doesn't feel out-dated because it has consistently adjusted to new trends in the real World and to how people interact online. I think the huge variety of different events that have occured on Woozworld, as well as the introduction of new items and features have helped to shape Woozworld into what it is now.

I joined Woozworld on 27th September 2010 and called my first user, VoiletSwirl107. Yes another spelling mistake, which I repeated when I made CholeRocks a few months later! So Chloe was Chole and Violet was Voilet to me, but these spelling mistakes made me laugh and made the names more memorable haha! At the time when I joined, there was about 3.012 million players already on Woozworld! As of writing this (September 25th 2019) I think theres over 79.4 million players now!

Here's a pic of my girl, VoiletSwirl107 from...maybe 2013?'s a pic of her today on 25th September 2019!

Actually, I didn't mention HOW I found out about Woozworld now did I? (Probably did haha)

I found an ad for Woozworld, which displayed on the right banner ad space for a game website I was playing at the time called, Dizzywood. I really miss Dizzywood so much! If it were still around today, I would have played it for 10 years now. It was a wonderful adventure-social game. I don't have any screenshots of my times on Dizzywood. I was young then & didn't know how to do it, although I wish I had some photos of my own from the game, to keep as memories. Oh well...


I didn't create my other three users for my Woozworld account until 25th November 2010. I'll let you guess the others, but of course, CholeRocks was one of them! I actually shifted between three users to decided which one would be my main user. In the end, I chose CholeRocks.

This is an old photo of CholeRocks, you can tell because it's the old chat. Probably taken in 2012.

 Guess who! Haha 

Woozworld 10 Woozdeal in Store

To celebrate Woozworld's 10th birthday, there is a Woozdeal in the Store that provides, x4 special posez including: a WzW 10 Cake, Yay celebrating pose, an old achievement jump pose (from the early preztige level days haha) and holding a 10th birthday balloon pose. I think you also receive a 10th balloon furniture object and of course, 20,000 wooz. Not sure about the rest in this bundle, because I couldn't afford to purchase it. Sounds awesome though, just wish it was cheaper!

Woozworld 10 Shopz Category

There is a Woozworld 10 category in Shopz, which has lots of furniture and clothing from previous eventz on Woozworld and generally from many years ago, during the game's early years. In fact, there was 70 pages of throwback clothing alone, more than the 32 pages of furniture haha! Plus, the Woozband also placed a category of old unitz to buy aswell. Now i'm waving goodbye to my money.

The New Navigator

If this post was in chronological order, I would have mentioned this first. Honestly, the new navigator has been quite hard to get used to. This is because, the old navigator never had any significant updates in terms of layout and features. The New navigator doesn't allow you to re-order your unitz (although that feature never worked well in the old one) but, it does have larger unit thumbnails and provides alot more tabs of different unit collections and still keeps track of favourite unitz. The feature I like the most is, that it remembers the unitz that you last visited (even if you logged off, which the old navigator wasn't able to keep.)

The hardest part is getting used to this whole new modern layout and the green delete button is quite large and in the wrong spot. Thank goodness there is a confirmation message, if not I might have deleted one of my unitz by mistake! I'd like it if there was a button for deleting unitz in the top or bottom corner of the navigator window and we could delete several unitz at once. That would be a feature i'd admire more, rather than a delete button for each unit (although the delete button was like that for the old navigator lol)

Here's a comparison of the two, as I took a screenshot before they removed the old Navigator.



I really do miss the scroller for navigating through lists of unitz. The arrows feel slower and only display six unitz a page. The Woozband are likely to make some alterations to the navigator at some point, so that it is easier to use. This doesn't mean reverting back to the old design, but hopefully they'll tweak some areas, so we can use it more comfortablely. I feel like i'm definitely liking it more now and will get use to it.

Thanks for reading!

Maybe i'll post again soon?