Tuesday, December 7, 2021

It's been a while + Week 1 of Woozmas Calendar Gifts!

 Hey, after a long break once again haha!

So I haven't posted since July. Honestly, I don't have a lot of motivation to carry on doing the things I enjoyed before, like this blog and my wzw Youtube channel. But at the same time, I don't want to leave it months and months before I make new updates. I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for checking back in to read my blog, or welcome if this is your first time visiting!

So last year I recorded every day of the Woozmas Calendar with a blog post of each day's gift. Rather than doing a post everyday, i'll aim to show the whole week's worth of woozmas gifts instead.

So for week 1, you'll receive these gifts and the 250 bonus wooz if you opened every stocking.

Day 1 - Open Woozmas Harvest'n Knit Scarf (8/10) - Love this cute scarf accessory! It's new.

Day 2 - Woozdovia Douglas Fir (8/10) - A really nice woozmas tree for the festive season.

Day 3 - SantaWooz Gloves (3/10) - Complete's the old man's looks, don't really like them though lol

Day 4 - Fabufly Bun w/Woozmas Deco (3/10) - Although the bopper headband is cute, the style of the bun just isn't it for me.

Day 5 - Woozmas Wreaths on String (5/10) - Got these last year, they are cute.

Day 6 - 3500 Beex (10/10) - There it goes in my bank!

Day 7 - Zachariah Hair w/ Lit Wreath (3/10) - Again Wzw, what are you doing?

Did you get the bonus 250 wooz? No worries, we still have 2 weeks of more woozmas gifts!

Plus, you'll get more gifts in the New Years countdown calendar after.

Stay tuned!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

An Event Post (Finally!)


So it's been a while since I did a proper post for a current Woozworld event. Let's jump straight into July's event which is...CampWZW! 

Yes, this month's event is based around camping. You'll meet our two new protagonists, Carlos and Allison. These two are competitive rivals and you'll be randomly placed on either Carlos's blue team to pick red flags, or Allison's red team to pick blue flags.

The event works like this, you'll collect the flags in a unit that has about five or more woozens in. These flags generate randomly and when you collect your team, you'll add a team to the progress bar. 

You can buy the camp defender tee in your team color from shopz, for collecting Carlos and Allison collectiblez (which I think give more points to the bar than the flags do?)

You can also win 100 wooz (one time only I think?) from clicking gold flags.

The event ends soon, so support your team!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Hey again!

Hey i'm back!

 So almost a week ago, I finally posted another video (after 6 months since my last video lol) and this is, part 2 for '5 Things to Do on Woozworld before you Quit!' Please check it out, thanks for watching.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Planned Youtube Video Postponed


 So i'm probably gonna postpone my next youtube video, as my graphics card died today. My motherboard graphics card would probably take ages to render a video, so i'll either come up with a smaller-length video to release sometime next week, or just wait until i've got a new card to use.

I was looking forward to making a video, but stuff happens lol


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hi i'm back! 3 Years Diamond VIP Achievement!


So i'm back to my blog and Woozworld a little more actively (well for now, maybe until next week haha!)

So I wanted to share this great achievement I received today which is:


Finally! I was working on getting this achievement a while back and finally got it!

Some back story as to why this took so long:

I joined Woozworld in September 2010, aged 9 and wasn't allowed to make real purchases in the game, not until I turned 13. So in 2014 I bought VIP on several occasions, in fact I was mostly VIP between 2014 to 2015 and I would also spend my phone money on buying all the extra packs for clothes, special themed events (e.g. DOMO, new outfit packs, furniture packs - all these were in Woozworld Store, not Shopz for wooz like they are in modern Woozworld...so yeah I broke the bank on the game then.)

I actually continued buying VIP through 2016, but only 1 or 3 months worth and still bought the other packs. However in 2017, I gradually stopped playing Woozworld so frequently, as I had my final exams at high school coming up. This also went on into 2018, when I started college and decided to only play once a month (or something like that.) 

In 2019, I knew I just wanted to come back and play the game more frequently, so I think it was around Summer 2019 I came back (after finishing my first college course) and heard the news that Woozworld was celebrating its 10th anniversary, so I was really happy I returned to play at the right time! I bought VIP again after that (1 year VIP pack with 10k wooz, only 10 dollars lol) and when it was my turn to celebrate my 10th anniversary the following year in 2020, I bought 6 months VIP, which ends tomorrow haha.

I don't really want to spend anymore £$£ on Woozworld anymore, as the game won't exist in the future and I won't even get what I invested back, well except all the fun times and memories that will stay.

Yeah writing this post makes me want to be more frugal haha..but saying that, maybe i'll become the hypocrite and buy VIP for the last time? Well if the woozpacks were decent anymore...WzW R U OK?

Monday, February 1, 2021

Starting Online Studies

 Hi there!

 I normally don't make blog posts about my personal life (not on this blog anyway!)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that i'll be focusing on my online studies for a bit and i'm aiming to avoid distractions (like Woozworld) so I probably won't be actively posting on here for a while.

I kind of wanted to carry on posting consistently, as this year might be my last on WzW.

Oh wel, i'll make sure to come back soon. Now I wish I hadn't bought VIP a few months back haha.

See you next time!


Friday, January 8, 2021

Goodbye Woozworld Flash (2009-2021)


So as you may know, Adobe Flash has finally come to an end. This also means Woozworld's original Flash compatibility does too. I'm pretty sad because, I don't really play the mobile app and i've always played Woozworld on PC since late 2010. The Woozworld Beta has a very different look, which will really modernize the look and feel of the game.

To commemorate the original way of playing Woozworld finally ending, I decided to make a video talking about several old wzw features which will disappear or have already disappeared in WzW Flash over the game's decade in existence (i'm excluding the KidsStudio era, as I didn't play it then.)

Maybe you'll find these features nostalgic too?


Monday, January 4, 2021

New Years Calendar Day 4 + 200 Bonus Wooz

 Hello! So the New Years Calendar has come to an end with the gifts. You'll also recieve 200 bonus wooz if you opened all the other gifts in the calendar. Have a great 2021 everyone!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year 2021!

Hello and Happy New Year!

So it's finally 2021 and I have to say, I was pretty active on Woozworld during 2020. It's been alot of fun catching up with other woozens, post again on my woozworld youtube channel (which I had left in 2017) and buy/sell items in-game. I don't know if i'll be active that much this year, since i'm starting online university at the end of January...but I guess i'll find some way to fit Woozworld into my free time.

Anyway, today's gift from the New Years Countdown Calendar is...a 2021 Balloon Pose! It's ashame, I was kinda expecting something else...as it's pretty much the 2020 balloon pose but with a 1 balloon lol