Tuesday, December 7, 2021

It's been a while + Week 1 of Woozmas Calendar Gifts!

 Hey, after a long break once again haha!

So I haven't posted since July. Honestly, I don't have a lot of motivation to carry on doing the things I enjoyed before, like this blog and my wzw Youtube channel. But at the same time, I don't want to leave it months and months before I make new updates. I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for checking back in to read my blog, or welcome if this is your first time visiting!

So last year I recorded every day of the Woozmas Calendar with a blog post of each day's gift. Rather than doing a post everyday, i'll aim to show the whole week's worth of woozmas gifts instead.

So for week 1, you'll receive these gifts and the 250 bonus wooz if you opened every stocking.

Day 1 - Open Woozmas Harvest'n Knit Scarf (8/10) - Love this cute scarf accessory! It's new.

Day 2 - Woozdovia Douglas Fir (8/10) - A really nice woozmas tree for the festive season.

Day 3 - SantaWooz Gloves (3/10) - Complete's the old man's looks, don't really like them though lol

Day 4 - Fabufly Bun w/Woozmas Deco (3/10) - Although the bopper headband is cute, the style of the bun just isn't it for me.

Day 5 - Woozmas Wreaths on String (5/10) - Got these last year, they are cute.

Day 6 - 3500 Beex (10/10) - There it goes in my bank!

Day 7 - Zachariah Hair w/ Lit Wreath (3/10) - Again Wzw, what are you doing?

Did you get the bonus 250 wooz? No worries, we still have 2 weeks of more woozmas gifts!

Plus, you'll get more gifts in the New Years countdown calendar after.

Stay tuned!