Sunday, December 1, 2019

Black Friday Woozdeals, Winter & Woozmas Shopz sections + Woozmas Advent Calendar!


I said i'll be back again and here I am!

Recently it was Black Friday, so Woozworld introduced quite a few woozdeals, which have been changing quite often since Friday. With the end of the Olympus eventz (which were epic, by the way!) I wish I had bought the woozdeal with the Olympus long hair, but I got the cloud hands haha!
As of writing this (1 Dec 2019) here are the remaining Black Friday deals:

Not bad, but considering I bought the Olympus Toga + Rainbow wings deal for 9.99, which came with 20k wooz and 500k beex on Black Friday, these deals seem a bit mediocre in comparison.

Let's move on!! Next up, a Woozmas and Winter section has been added to shopz. This includes clothes, furniture and unitz, plus pajamas have been brought back aswell. I love winter fashion on woozworld, plus there is a bunch of woozmas furniture for very cheap beex, so i'll consider making another festive-themed unit at some point!


As it's December 1st today, that means the first door of your advent calendars can be opened! The Woozmas advent calendar is now avaliable & in the first door you'll receive a...

A Woozmas cactus! Pretty cute, huh? I haven't been able to get the bonus gifts from the woozmas calendar for the past couple of years, so i'll aim to go on at least once yet day to get each gift. According to this year's calendar, you can receive the bonus gift after opening all 7 gifts from the previous days.

Good luck to everybody! I'll post again later, thanks for reading! Stay safe and happy december!