Friday, December 6, 2019

Woozmas Advent Calendar Day 6 + Woozworld 10 Category is back, 50% off until Monday!


So in door 6 of the Woozmas Advent Calendar you will receive a...

A Woozmas Wall Tree Decoration! Pretty cute huh? :) 

I'd like to mention that I spoke too soon about the Woozworld 10 Category in Shopz. Plush re-added it and there is actually a sale (50% off!!!) However, he did mention that it will be removed on Monday 9th December - yes, this Monday coming so buy what you want from the category now!

Yes, pretty much everything (apart from items that also appear in the Winter/Woozmas category too) is 50% off, making everything very affordable and I am happy to get another chance, to buy some more items from the category.

Thanks for reading :)