Saturday, December 7, 2019

Woozmas Advent Calendar Day 7 + Bonus Gift!


So it's already been a week since December began and it's also time to see what's behind door 7 of the Woozmas advent calendar. So if you opened it today, you will receive a...

A peaceful woozmas wreath! Which is a lovely finishing gift for Week 1 of December. If you managed to log in every day of the week from Dec 1st - Dec 7th and opened each door of the calendar, then you'll also receive the bonus gift which is...


200 wooz! Which is a nice bonus gift, especially for saving up (or immediately spending in my case haha!) I did try logging in everyday and opening each door on multiple users, but it was mostly my main accounts that I did that on and since I have so many users, I did lose track and miss one or two doors, so I didn't get the 200 wooz on all the accounts I was trying it on...but at least I got it on CholeRocks and some other users, plus the items were the most fun part! (By the way, they are non-transferable.)

Anyway, a new week of gifts begins tomorrow, so remember to get ready to open the next door tomorrow, if you want to receive the next gift!

I'm looking forward to seeing the next items in the woozmas calendar for December week 2!

Thanks for reading :)