Monday, May 11, 2020

Some changes coming soon!

Hello, this post is just to clarify the changes i'll be making soon and this will include:

Changing up my Youtube channel art & profile picture ♥

I'm thinking of posting some more videos to my youtube channel again, which of course is for my Woozworld-related channel. I haven't uploaded any videos on there for almost 3 years and i've actually been recording videos over the past year to upload...but I got lazy (plus I don't have Windows movie maker on my PC, like I used to on my laptop, so I need to edit it with other software.) Also, I need to come up with some more interesting videos to record, edit & upload.

My YT Channel for CholeRocks Woozworld -

I thought that changing up the channel art & profile picture would be a nice change, as I haven't changed it for about four years and especially since I might be uploading more videos on there again.

♥ Changing up my blog layout and navicon ♥

I'll be changing my blog layout again soon. I might change the color scheme so it's a little less bright on the eyes, so that the text is easier to read. Also, I might add some more pages, remove some stuff (not blog posts) and whatever else I think of. Also, i'll be changing the navicon for the blog (the tiny icon that appears next to my blog in the web browser tab) as I haven't change it for a while.

♥ Page Ideas ♥
  • Creating a 'Tips to make Wooz & Beex' page, which will be helpful for woozens.
  • Creating a 'Music' page so you guys can see my favourites & music suggestions.
  • I'll edit the current pages aswell, just so those are more relevant/up-to-date.
Thanks for reading, stay tuned.
Stay safe and healthy, I hope you all have a lovely week! ♥