Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Reviewing the new M&M Woozworld clothing line!

Hi everyone!

So i'm already back to review another new line of clothing that Woozworld has released for one of its boutiques. The new line i'm reviewing is for M&M, which I believe is Max & Mya's clothing line.
To be honest, i'm not 100% because, I didn't pay much attention when these boutiques first came out.

Anyway, the new M&M clothing line consists of 60 new clothing items in Shopz and an additional 12 unreleased M&M items, which were added 'exclusively' to WzW Store until 25th May.

Anyway, i'm going to review each named range of clothing, like I did with the 'Forever Teen' clothing line, but this time i'll start with the new female clothing ranges.

Reviewing the 'Magnificent' Range (Female)
I already took a stronger liking to the M&M range, especially for the Magnificent range. The long ponytail with waves is very cute. I love the different variations of the top, even the patterns are cute too. I like the pants, but not the multicolored or striped variations as much. The shorts are pretty simple, but nice for a summer look (shorts should be like 60-80 wooz maximum though.)
Hair Rating - 8.5/10
Top Rating - 8.5/10
Pants & Shorts Rating - 7/10

My Favourite Items from the 'Magnificent' Range

Here's a picture of Melba wearing a mix of my favourite 'Magnificent' items!

Reviewing the 'Mood' Range (Female)
First up, the hair is very cool. I think I prefer the ordinary Mood hair, rather than the ombre one with braids + bun (I find it a bit too much, if there was a seperate ombre one, then another with braids or a bun...i'd probably like that more.) The tied tops + matching shorts sets are so adorable. I'd say the floral, tie-dye and plain sets are my favourites. I think it's great that Woozworld made many variations of these sets, but I kinda wanted a long-sleeved tied 'Mood' top, or a strap version.
Hair Rating - 8/10
Top Rating - 8/10
Pants & Shorts Rating - 7/10

My Favourite Items from the 'Mood' Range 

Here's a picture of Melba wearing a mix of my favourite 'Mood' items!

Reviewing the 'Maverick' Range (Male)
I'm not keen on the hairstyles, I find them a bit disappointing. The tank tops are okay, I like the tartan tied-shirt version, but the other versions + patterns are quite bland. The pants are nice, but look like most pants on Woozworld (I guess it's hard coming up with newer pant styles, since there's so many on the game now.) Overall, i'm not a huge fan of this M&M range.
Hair Rating - 4/10
Top Rating - 5/10
Pants Rating - 5/10

Reviewing the 'Motivated' Range (Male)
Out of both new male clothing lines, I prefer the 'Motivated' range. Apart from the hairstyles, I like the shirt variations, especially since they very much suit the summer style. I'm not keen on the banana pattern or the geometric pattern sets though.

Hair Rating - 6/10
Top Rating - 7/10
Shorts Rating - 7/10

I won't be reviewing the M&M items released as a woozpack, because I didn't buy it.
 Anyway, I hope you enjoy the M&M range. I like it more than the 'Forever Teen' range, in terms of having more newer items, that aren't based off existing items in the game. Overall, both boutiques have some nice items in their new clothing lines. Again, I think Woozworld could be a bit more generous with the pricing, especially since the clothes are cheaper on other language servers.

Thanks for reading!
Stay safe x

Sunday, May 24, 2020

10 Years According to WoozIN + Updated Youtube Channel Art + Profile Picture for my Woozworld Youtube Channel!

Hello everyone!

So this post is a two-in-one! Let's jump right into it.

First, my WoozIn page is already showing that I joined Woozworld 10 years ago now. This wasn't displayed yesterday and plus, it's now appeared on pearlywhite33 and AshleighSuperSt as I created them on the same day. However, that was in November 2010, so they aren't 10 years old yet.

Updated Youtube Channel Art & Profile Picture
I mentioned previously in my blog that I would be updating the channel art and profile picture for my Woozworld Youtube Channel. Today I worked on creating both in GIMP 2.

My previous channel art had been set for my channel since June 2015, so almost five years. Here are the pictures of the channel art i've set previously. You can see my poor editing from before haha!

January 2015

June 2015

Yesterday (23 May) I began deciding what I wanted to include in my channel art. I decided to gather my main backup users together in groups of 3 and took pictures of them in their best outfits. Each picture was taken in my small photo room unitz on Woozworld. The background for this unit is a light green color, which I decided would be the background color for my channel art.

After taking all the pictures, I saved them to my computer and made the 2560x1440 (Youtube Channel art size) in GIMP2 and then added each of the pictures as layers, after I set the background layer to the same color of the small photo room unit.

I shrunk down all the pictures I had taken, so that they'd fit into the safe area (well most of them) of where logos and font can be placed. I added a white outline to all the users, by selecting the 'Shrink' tool, after using the fuzzy selection on each image. I added some text, for the name of my channel and for the address to my blog. Also, I added the Woozworld logo to my channel art aswell.

Both the blog address and names of each users were written by me, using my graphics display tablet.

I did record a video of myself making the channel art in GIMP 2. However, it doesn't show a complete start-to-finish of how I made it, more of different points. I'll still put all the videos together and edit them, which i'll probably upload to my Youtube channel at some point soon.

Here's what my new Youtube Channel artwork looks like!

 If you want to see the full size, click on the image or visit my Youtube Channel here

Afterwards, I began working on my new profile picture. First, I grabbed a picture of when I colored the special edition of a Bratz face (sometime last year) and added it as a new layer in GIMP 2.
I then performed the faceless trick on WzW and changed my outfit and took a picture in my decorated photo room, which I then saved to my PC. This would be the background layer.

I then attempted to edit the bratz face, so it'd appear on my woozen's face. It wasn't that tricky, but I ended up duplicating the bratz face layer, just to erase everything from the face, apart from the lips...which I couldn't quite get the placement right to my liking.

I then began editing it a bit, added more eyelash, got rid of the original heart tattoo I was wearing on the bratz face and replaced it with my own drawn hearts and added some shading to the nose.
Afterwards, I added my name and edited the hue & saturation, but I decided to save it as another image, whilst keeping the original without my name & the color changes.

Although I think the edit is cute, I don't like it that much as my profile picture. Probably because it is edited and doesn't remind me immediately of how I depict CholeRocks. So I think i'll set another profile picture again soon. I went with the non-colorised version for my current profile picture, after changing between both and continuously cropping the profile picture differently each time!

It was fun editing both, I think i've gotten better gradually over the years. However, I do need practice and it'd be cool to edit and use layering in some other image editing software, such as paint.net or Photoshop. I'll also have to use another software to edit my videos, as I don't have Windows Movie Maker anymore, so I can no longer be lazy about the video making process.

Thanks for reading! See you soon & stay safe!


Friday, May 22, 2020

Recovering Lost Woozworld Accounts via Woozworld Support Guide (Follow up to How I got my old Woozworld account back)

Hello everyone.

I wanted to make this post, because i've been messaged by several woozens on how to recover old wzw accounts, after the post I made in September 2015 on how I recovered mine.

This post is intended to help clarify how to do this, as I think my other post is vague and outdated.
Sorry that it's quite a long post, but I hope it helps answer any questions related to the topic.

If you do want to check out the post of how I recovered mine, feel free to do so.

If you're recovering an account, do it yourself and don't give away your information to others. Also, make sure you're submitting requests to the official Woozworld website or app only.


Q: How do I fill in a Woozworld Support Request Form?
A: Check the bottom of this post, i've added a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Q: How long does Woozworld take to respond to requests?
A: It depends on the nature of the request. Billing and account (password) related issues will probably be prioritized, in contrast with connection issues and support/other types of requests.
When I submitted the request for recovering my account, it took two days to receive a reply. However, I'd say wait up to 2 weeks for a reply and if you don't get a reply, try again.
(It took me 3-4 attempts to get a response from Woozworld support.)

Q: What information do I need to prove the account is mine?
A: You need to prove to the Woozworld team that the account is yours, by mentioning the correct username(s) and if possible, the e-mail (if it was invalid/not real). If you remember part of the password, include that aswell (but only if you're certain it's correct.)
You might be asked further questions in a follow-up e-mail, so keep a look out for a reply.

What kind of response might I get from the Woozworld Support Team? (IMPORTANT)
A: Bear in mind, it was five years ago when I recovered mine, I did get a follow up e-mail, asking to prove my identity further. These were the questions I was asked by a Support Team member, and I replied back to the same e-mail.
  • What is the e-mail address associated with your Woozworld account?
  • What are the names of every Woozen on this account?
  • When were these Woozens created?
  • When were these Woozens last accessed?
  • Was any purchase made for this account in the past? If so, what was it for exactly? Using what e-mail address?
  • Was any activation code applied to this account in this past? If so, what was it for exactly?
  • What was the e-mail used for the transactions applied to the account?
  • In which country/state/province was the account created in?
Make sure you're able to answer all these questions. I did skip the first question and the second-to-last question, because I didn't know the e-mail address. However, I was able to answer all the other questions accurately and recovered my account, after getting another reply from Woozworld Support.
(They replied the following day with my account.)

Q: What if I made the account with an invalid e-mail address? (The e-mail wasn't real.)
The account I recovered wasn't made with a real e-mail address and I was still able to recover it.
Just make sure when you submit a request, include a real e-mail address in the e-mail field, this e-mail is used so the Woozworld Support team can contact you about your request.

Q: I have multiple old accounts that I want to recover, should I submit seperate request forms, or one request form for all the accounts?
A: This is a good question. It's up to you, which way you want to do it.

You could submit one request form, with all the accounts and their corresponding information. However, i'm not sure if the Woozworld Support team will recover all of them under one request. But, filling out one request form is less time-consuming.

Or you could submit individual request forms for each account you want to recover. However, if you choose this way, it might be wise that you have another e-mail address that they could contact you with and use that to request about another account to recover. (I say this because, I don't know if sending out many requests with contact to the same e-mail address will be classed as spam, so just be careful.) If you don't have another e-mail address to use for contact, perhaps consider asking about another account in a month's time, rather than sending the requests in the same time span.

Just remember, however which way you do it, be sure to have all the information to prove that those accounts belong to you.

Q: Does the age of the account matter when trying to recover it?
A: When I recovered my account in 2015, it had only been four years (or three years, since I last logged into it) since I created it. I think if the account is inactive, there's probably a chance to ask Woozworld Support to recover it via request. For my users, I could still view their user profiles, visit their unitz and access their WoozIn pages, before I recovered the account.

Your account may have been deleted because of long inactivity if:
  • You can't find the woozen by searching by username.
  • Their user profile displays 'Unknown Woozen'
  • All the user's unitz are private.
  • Opening the user's WoozIn page/WallZ displays the message 'The content you are looking for doesn't exist
However, I think even if the account is old, just try it anyway. Sending a request form is easy.

Q: What should I do once I get my account back?

A: Woozworld Support will tell you to change your account information, for security reasons. Try to use a valid e-mail address, so that you don't lose your account again and change your password. If you're recovering an account that was inactive for some time, you might have to reset the usernames for your woozens. Avoid hypens (-) at the beginning of a username, as this is known to cause issues.

I hope this helped! I know it's alot to read. Anyway, below is a guide of how to submit a request form to Woozworld Support.

How to submit a Woozworld Support Request Form

PC/Web version via web browser (You can also do this on a phone or tablet, using a web browser)

1.) On the Woozworld website, click the 'Help' tab located near the right side of the webpage. 

2.) When the Help webpage loads, click the bottom option, 'Contact Us'

3.) Now you can start filling in the Woozworld Support form.
Set the request topic as 'Password' as this relates to account issues.

4.) Enter a valid/real e-mail address in the 'Account E-mail' field, so that the Woozworld Support Team can e-mail you about your request. It doesn't have to be the e-mail of your related account you're trying to recover, just one that is real so it can be contacted.

Include the information related to your lost account in the 'Details' box.
Choose from the drop-down menu options for the browser, OS and platform.

After you have finished, read over your request and then click the 'Send' button to submit it.
Wait between 2 days - 2 weeks for a reply and if you get no reply, try again another time.

Submitting a Woozworld Support Request Form on Woozworld app.
1.) Click the '?' button in the bottom-right corner of the screen on the Woozworld App.

2.) Set the request type as 'Password' and then enter a valid e-mail address for contact, the related username and then your lost account information in the 'Message' box. Click 'Send' to submit the request. (I think the request form is too vague on app, I haven't tried it before.)

Good luck with recovering your account!

If you have any questions, feel free to message me anytime on wzw, on either CholeRocks or PandaHugs. I'll try my best to answer, but I did cover quite alot in this post.

Remember you need alot of information to prove that the account yours, before you submit a request for recover a lost account.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Reviewing the new 'Forever Teen' Woozworld Clothing line!

Hi everyone!

So Woozworld has been updating some of their existing boutiques in Shopz with new clothing lines.
Forever Teen is one of the boutiques which was updated with MANY new items. Some of these items are just different variations of a certain type.
So i've decided to review them, let's dive right in.
I'll start with each named range of items and i'll begin with the male clothing.

(Male) 'Forever Teen' Clothing - 'Enduring' Range
Honestly i'm not keen on the cut of the Enduring Hair, in any of the variations and I don't like the hat version either. However, I do like the enduring t-shirts with the chest pockets, these gives simple, summer vibes. Although, I do prefer the plain tees, rather than the ones with patterns.
I like the enduring shorts, they are quite nice and casual-looking, the plaid shorts with the belt and the camoflage shorts are my least favourites though.

Hair rating: 3/10
Top rating: 8/10
Short Rating: 7.5/10

My Favourite items from the 'Enduring' Range:

(Male) 'Forever Teen' Clothing - 'Endless' Range
Although I liked the idea of the variations in the 'Endless' hairstyles (especially the hat & glasses and the beanie with glasses) I don't like the cut that much again. I don't like the hairstyles without accessories much either. Also, I don't like the patterned 'Endless' shirts, but I like the denim one and the plain ones. The 'Endless' jeans have nice variations, I especially like the distressed version and cuffed version of the jeans.
Hair rating: 2/10
Top rating: 5/10
Jeans Rating: 8/10

My Favourite items from the 'Endless' Range:
(Female) 'Forever Teen' Clothing - 'Evermore' Range

The 'Evermore' has some nice variations in its range. Although I like the hairstyles, it does look ALOT like the existing Olympus hairstyle from the game, which has been flattened with less layers around the side of the hair. Despite that, I do like it with bangs and without. The varation with buns and clips is cute. I don't like the 'Evermore' hairstyle with the hat and the long version with a flower...I don't know, it's got a cute ombre but it looks strange to me...maybe it's the length?

The 'Evermore' tops are cute, I like the cropped tied one and cropped one with daisy patterns. The other patterns don't appeal to me that much, but I like the plain t-shirts and plain crops.The jeans are pretty, I like the varations. Especially the lace-up version & the chain belt version.

Hair rating:7.5/10
Top rating: 7/5/10
Jeans Rating: 8/10

My Favourite items from the 'Evermore' Range:

(Female) 'Forever Teen' Clothing - 'Eternal' Range 
For hairstyles, I think the 'Eternal' Range has the best. The dresses are cute, I especially like the layered dresses, both plain and the patterned versions. The skirts are interesting, I like how some have chains, pins and there are slightly different lengths. The skirt patterns are nice, but I probably wouldn't buy them.

Hair rating: 8.5/10
Dress rating: 8/10
Skirt Rating: 7/10

My Favourite items from the 'Evermore' Range:


Overall, the new 'Forever Teen' range is nice, but I haven't rushed to buy anything from the line. The English Woozworld server is expensive (in general) for how items are priced in Shopz, compared with other language servers, which are normally half the price. I sometimes log into the French WzW server, which I joined about six years and realized that items in Shopz (even new items) are cheaper.

So I do think the 'Forever Teen' items are nice but also pretty simple, so I think they should be sold at prices between 60-90 wooz for skirts, shorts and jeans. Tees, t-shirts and dresses should be priced between 90 and 150 wooz maximum. Lastly, I think hairstyles should be priced between 120 to 150 wooz for plain hairstyles and 150-180 wooz for hairstyles with accessories or additions such as, ombre. I shouldn't complain though, but it would be nice if the English server had less clothing (and furniture) priced at 200+ wooz.

Here's a picture of me from Closet, trying on some of my favourite items from the 'Evermore' Range (the 'Evermore Daisy Tee & Laced-up Evermore Jeans) and the 'Eternal' Range (the 'Eternal' Pony.)

Also, a bonus of 8 unreleashed 'Forever Teen' clothing items were added exclusively to a woozpack. Not a bad idea, but things only stay 'exclusive' on Woozworld for so long. The bun with clips looks pretty cute, wish I could get it in Shopz though, as i'm not buying the woozpack.

What do you think of the new 'Forever Teen' clothing line?
Let me know on Woozworld if you want!

Thanks for reading! Stay Safe ♥

Monday, May 11, 2020

Some changes coming soon!

Hello, this post is just to clarify the changes i'll be making soon and this will include:

Changing up my Youtube channel art & profile picture ♥

I'm thinking of posting some more videos to my youtube channel again, which of course is for my Woozworld-related channel. I haven't uploaded any videos on there for almost 3 years and i've actually been recording videos over the past year to upload...but I got lazy (plus I don't have Windows movie maker on my PC, like I used to on my laptop, so I need to edit it with other software.) Also, I need to come up with some more interesting videos to record, edit & upload.

My YT Channel for CholeRocks Woozworld -

I thought that changing up the channel art & profile picture would be a nice change, as I haven't changed it for about four years and especially since I might be uploading more videos on there again.

♥ Changing up my blog layout and navicon ♥

I'll be changing my blog layout again soon. I might change the color scheme so it's a little less bright on the eyes, so that the text is easier to read. Also, I might add some more pages, remove some stuff (not blog posts) and whatever else I think of. Also, i'll be changing the navicon for the blog (the tiny icon that appears next to my blog in the web browser tab) as I haven't change it for a while.

♥ Page Ideas ♥
  • Creating a 'Tips to make Wooz & Beex' page, which will be helpful for woozens.
  • Creating a 'Music' page so you guys can see my favourites & music suggestions.
  • I'll edit the current pages aswell, just so those are more relevant/up-to-date.
Thanks for reading, stay tuned.
Stay safe and healthy, I hope you all have a lovely week! ♥

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Giving some of my users a makeover!

Hello! (Sorry I haven't posted in like 2 months!)

Over the past few days I decided to give some of my users a makeover and this included:
  • Pecan
  • honeybeecutie
  • crystalstarbee
  • princesscpw23
I started with Pecan and wanted to try a cute color code that consisted of a soft pink (used as the primary/main color) and a medium-dark grey tone as the secondary color. For the hair cc I went for a desaturated pink shade, which looks like grape-purple.

Pecan's CC 
Primary/Main - E7AEC4 (soft pink)
Second - 989898 (medium/dark grey)
Hair color - 653C4C (desaturated dark pink/grape purple)

Afterwards, I moved onto honeybeecutie and wanted to create a color code that would match her name. So I decided on honey yellow (as the primary/main color) and a light-medium brown as the 2nd color. I love this shade of yellow alot! I went for a dark brown shade for the hair color.


honeybeecutie's CC 
Primary/Main -  FCAF00 (honey yellow)
Second - 683600 (medium brown)
Hair color - 3C1B00 (dark brown)

After, I started coming up with crystalstarbee's color code. I love navy blue alot, so I decided to use it as the main color. Originally I was going to pair the color with a teal shade, but suddenly I changed my mind and went with a bright lilac shade as the second color. For the hair I went for a deep purple shade, which looks very pretty.


crystalstarbee's CC
Primary/Main -  002A51 (Navy Blue)
Second - 9D7CCC - (Bright Lilac)
Hair color - 150023 - (Deep Purple)

princesscpw23 was the most recent user I gave a makeover to. I had already bought a Mara top that someone had colored a rose pink shade, so I used that color as the main. Originally I was going to use white for the secondary color, but I think I overuse white as a 2nd color. So instead, I went for a soft blue as the secondary color. I went for an ash brown color for her hair.


princesscpw23's CC
Primary/Main - EB8BAE (Rose Pink)
Second - 8EBBE6 (Very soft blue)
Hair color - 4A3219 (Ash Brown)

I love the way their makeovers turned out and I think I did a decent job with picking the color codes for each of them! They look very cute, here's a picture of me with the girls at my park! :)

Stay tuned! I really enjoyed this, so I *might* do some more makeovers soon!
Thanks for reading, hope you're staying healthy and safe.